Although grammatically incorrect… the question “How come I didn’t know about it?” is an excellent question. Too many times there has been an event that I find out about after the fact and I seem to ask… “How come I didn’t know about it?” Just yesterday I was having a conversation with Teresa Ray, owner of the Payroll Department here in Brownsburg about Chamber University and she said to me, “How come I didn’t know about it?”
So, I think the real question actually has two sides… The first being, “Where do you go to read or learn about upcoming events?” The second then would be, “Where would a person wanting to communicate to a business audience about an upcoming event post the information about the event?”
Some will probably say,”I didn’t know Dan Kennedy was coming to Indy!” after the event has come and gone. That’s to bad!
Just an FYI… Dan is coming to Indy and it’s this Thursday the 23rd from 1:00 to 4:00 at the Martin House on 86th Street. You should really be there. It’ll be good. I guarantee it! Here is a handy order form!
I have two questions for you… the first is, “How do you get the word out about what you do?”
The second is “How come I didn’t know about it?”