This past week at during my Mastermind meeting with Scott Manning, my good friend Barb Jones blew my mind! During the Mastermind, we take turns discussing what we’re working on and eliciting ideas from the others in the room to help us be even better. It can be a grueling endeavor. This weekly e-zine is a result of one, okay maybe a couple of those sessions.
You might be wondering, what on earth did Barb do to blow my mind? I’ll tell you exactly what she did and why it was so revolutionizing to me. She was talking about becoming re-certified as an Infusionsoft Coach. Infusionsoft is a software that enables you to communicate via, e-mail, fax, text or mail with your clients, prospects and friends… this weekly letter is created and mailed in InfusionSoft.
Barb pulled out a map of the Perfect Customer Lifecycle. This is a process that Barb does for her clients that is absolutely invaluable. You see if you break down how you attract, capture and nurture prospects into clients the battle is over and you win. All you have to do is execute the steps over and over and more and more prospects become clients.
This Perfect Customer Lifecycle is both a flow chart and step-by-step guide to make sure you have a process to grow your business!
I am having an assessment created that measures your business in eight areas of the customer lifecycle. As of now I think I’m going to call it the “Small Business EKG” … more about that later!
Remember, Starting in October on or around the 15th I’l be mailing the Premier Issue of “The Goal Getter Newsletter!”