Pretty soon now you’ll be bombarded with emails, conversations and thoughts about goal setting, particularly just before and right after the new year. If I had a nickel for each email I’ve received that talked about goal setting, I’d be a rich man!

Do you have your goals down on paper? I’ll bet not! Most haven’t taken the time to actually write them down. Until this week and I’m gonna help you via this e-mail and with a couple of forms you can download.

Did you know that most people don’t have their goals in writing nor do they formally set goals of their own. Here’s the skinny and it’s not new information but it is important to understand why having a “why” visibly attached to your goals is so important. And even more importantly, why your “why” must be in front of you at all times.

Here’s what I learned: the reason so many people fail to achieve the goals they set for themselves is they focus too much on the process of achieving those goals, rather than their “why” for the goal itself.

For example, the #1 goal set each Jan. 1st is to lose weight. So many people seriously set this as a goal for themselves as each new year begins, yet so many never realize their goal. Why? Because they focus on the process of achieving that goal, rather than why they have the goal in the first place.

The process of losing weight is not all that glamorous, to be sure. You have to change your routines, get moving, be consistent, and be patient as you work through the process. If you decide you are going to walk briskly for 30 minutes each weekday, what happens the first day it rains?

If you are focusing on the process, your thoughts will likely sound something like, “No, I’d really rather not get soaking wet today, thank you very much.”

But if you are focused on your goal of having more energy and being able to keep up with your kids or grandkids, then you’ll likely be thinking, “Ok, where can I take my walk that I won’t risk pneumonia in the process?”

I have resolved to only write down goals for which I have a strong “why”. I encourage you to do the same. Forget what everyone else’s goals are. Forget what everyone else says you should be able to accomplish. What do YOU want to accomplish, and why?


When you figure that out, then make life easier on yourself and keep those “whys” in clear view. Focus on how you’ll feel when you achieve the goal – live it NOW.

Monitor how you talk about the goal.

Concentrate on the positives of your “why”, not the negatives of the process.

Tell someone else about your goal, so you have someone to go to later and say, “Please…remind me why I’m doing this again?” It can make all the difference in the world…in your world.

Download your goal setting worksheet by clicking HERE.