Napoleon Hill the author of “Think and Grow Rich” the timeless classic story about what the wealthy and successful (okay, rich and famous) people of the early 20th Century did to become rich and famous. I’ve heard that to complete the classic book Napoleon Hill interviewed over 700 people. As a matter of fact, it became his life’s work. Several other books came from his exhaustive research all of which were focused on fundamental success principles.
“Think and Grow Rich” is as pertinent today as it was when Mr. Hill wrote his first edition over eight decades ago. Interestingly enough there is one and only one thing that all the people who Napoleon interviewed had in common. Imagine, over 700 interviews and only one single common thing emerged. There were groups of those interviewed that had things in common but only one thing connected all of them together.
What was that one thing? It was that they all had a group of like minded people that they routinely met with to generate ideas and to hold them accountable to the things they committed to achieving. That just happens to be the definition of a Mastermind. Chapter 10 of the book “Think and Grow Rich” talks about The Power of the Mastermind and even calls it “the driving force.”
If you aren’t involved in a Mastermind… you need to be! Plain and simple, you need to be!
Here are a couple of things coming up I want you to know about… Indiana Success Stories a tele-seminar series. Check it out!
Coming later this fall, in an effort to help the ailing Postal Service, I want to do my part in saving such a prestigious and historied institution, I’ll be sending a paper newsletter directly to your mail box. This newsletter is being designed with you in mind and you’ll get valuable insights from me and Tommy Richardson. By the way, I don’t think I’ve told Tommy about this yet… But, I know he has a ton to share will be more than willing to contribute to helping you be even more successful. If you would like to be on the list to get a copy of the premier edition… Just click Yes!
To Your Success!