This past week I went to Orlando… but to work not for fun… or so I thought! I was helping with a selling seminar with my good friend Scott Manning. I knew it was going to be intense and I was, I have to admit, a little stressed.

My trip from Indy to Orlando was uneventful until we got to Orlando. It seems the airlines have some kind of rule that if it’s lightening outside the plane cannot connect to the gate. Reason being, once there, the ground crew has to service the plane and that includes unloading the luggage and refueling. The fear is that lightening might hit either the plane or the gate and bounce to the plane and crew. So, we sat on the tarmac for an hour and a half. You know when a plane sits on the tarmac the air conditioner isn’t running… this all added to my stress.

After a 40 minute cab ride, I got to the hotel late and had a salad in my room for dinner… Not a good idea if you want a good night’s sleep… just an FYI.

The first morning of the seminar in a whirlwind of “what the heck” I met Louree’! Not with a typical hotel staff, “How can I help you?” or “What do you need?” It was a big hug and a sincere “I’m glad you’re here! If you need anything, you come get me, my name is Louree’!” This was no act! Louree’ was sincere as could be! So, I tested her… “I’d like one of those cookies you guys are famous for…” I said. Not only did I get one cookie, she brought in a dozen of them in the event someone else might want one.

This lady is truly unique! In a world of “what can you do for me” She is real and can make the biggest grump smile! I guarantee it!

Day two, Louree’ brought us all aher “Recipe for Happiness” kit. The kit was a zip-loc baggie that had a wonderful smiling picture of Louree’, her business card and a little ditty along with some items that fit the ditty.

Here’s what it said.
A PENNY so you will never say “I’m broke,”
An ERASER so you can make mistakes disappear.
A MARBLE in case someone says “You’ve lost your marbles.”
A RUBBERBAND to stretch beyond your limits.
A STRING to tie things together that fall apart.
and a HUG and a KISS to remind you that someone somewhere cares for you!
Louree’s Recepie for Happiness kit and article
At the end of this ditty, she shared her e-mail address and a simple request for me to share my experience at an industry rating service.

If you ever have a conference around central Florida, hold it at the Double Tree at Walt Disney World… so you can experience Louree’ you’ll be glad you did!

The question then becomes… are people raving about your company, your employees? What are you doing to WOW your prospects and clients? I can help you make sure you have a process!