What is it that allows you to balance and stand? That allows you to walk, write everything you do comes from this one thing!

That one thing is feedback! It’s one of the three keys to peak performance. The other two being, accountability and expectations. Those three when present enable business leaders, coaches, educators parents and more to consistently get that extra 10 to 20% needed to make a powerful difference in profitability, performance, teamwork, or grades. It’s been proven time and time again.

As a matter of fact those three keys are common to 21 of the first 23 astronauts, 45% of the female world leaders between 1960 and 1999, 55% of the Supreme Court justices, 2/3 of the people listed in Who’s Who, and over half of the U.S. Presidents.

One of the elements (I believe the key element) in the triad is feedback! There are three types of feedback: Motivational Feedback, Informational Feedback, and Developmental Feedback. Motivational Feedback comes in three (seeing pattern yet?) varieties… Positive Feedback, Negative Feedback and No Feedback. Of those three… the result of each is: Positive Feedback yields reinforcement, motivation and encouragement. Negative Feedback yields correction and punishment. No Feedback yields… (are you ready for this?)… Extinction! No Feedback is even more punishing than negative feedback.

Here’s a hard truth about all this feedback… the overwhelming most common type of feedback for improved performance? Unfortunately is No Feedback! You just read what it yields… Extinction! Poor performance gets worse and good performance finds a new home… in other words… you lose the good performance.

No matter your situation in your business, solo-prenuer, micro-prenuer or company leader… you can and should be giving more feedback! Any feedback is better than no feedback! So start giving more feedback today!