Last week we talked about picking up paw-paw’s… well really we talked about planning for 2013. This week I want to make sure you have some specific steps or how to plan for 2013.
First think of the big things… the important things. It might be an overarching theme, or certification you want to earn, time with family, give back or gratitude things you want to make sure happen. Put the Big Rocks in first or they’ll never get in you plan. Here’s a copy of the story about the Big Rocks
Here are a few ideas for Big Rocks from Michael Hyatt
Here a few “rocks” (from my friend from Michael Hyatt) that you might consider scheduling first:
- Pursuit of God or Spiritual Growth. When do you spend time reading the Bible, reflecting and praying?
- Intellectual Growth. What books do you want to read? What conferences do you want to attend? If you don’t schedule time for this, it won’t happen. Remember: leaders are readers and readers are leaders.
- Physical Exercise. Do you have a defined exercise routine? When do you do it? How much time do you spend? You are choosing today the quality of life you will experience in ten years.
- Your Spouse or Significant Other. Do you have a daily time for debriefing and checking in emotionally? Do you have a weekly date night? Great relationships and marriages don’t just happen. They are cultivated. In my opinion, your marriage is your most strategic asset–or liability.
- Important Projects. The tyranny of the urgent will crowd out the important if you aren’t careful. This is the secret of highly productive people. They schedule time for the really important projects so they don’t get side-tracked by trivial pursuits.
As you begin to plan your 2013, block time for your Big Rocks.