As a business development coach I see it as my job to continue to find ways that will help my clients (and friends) grow their businesses. And that is exactly why I couldn’t let this opportunity pass us by.
Here’s the thing, I attend so many conferences and training seminars it would make your head spin. But again, it’s my job to learn for my business owner clients, (who are busy growing their business) so they don’t have to attend all the seminars. I just “disseminate” the information to them. As I attend these conferences, often times I wonder how much they must be paying this guy or this gal to speak. Often times I drive home and ask myself what is keeping me from sharing the knowledge I have with folks that would pay to hear me speak?
So I did some research, and more research, and MORE research and I finally found the answer.
It’s not what you know and are able to share with an audience, it’s whether you know the method of getting public speaking gigs or not. Most people don’t, and the people who do, are making a fortune talking about things that we are as qualified (sometimes more) to be talking about as they are.
In my infinite research I found HOW they learn: they are trained by a trainer. And one of the best in the country is Michael Charest. So I did what any ambitious person would do: I called Michael to see if he could teach me and my clients as well so we all could share in the cost. Michael agreed to come to Indianapolis for a two-day training session, but will only allow a total of 8 participants in the class to assure the content is relevant and personalized to the audience. I CAN’ BELIEVE HE AGREED!
Michael gave me a breakdown of the things he will cover in our two-day class and here they are:
* How to find over 20,000 associations that are looking for speakers
* How to reach out to program planners via letters and phone calls
* How to follow up, how often, using what methods
* How to pitch your talk that has them wanting to bring you in
* How to book speaking gigs before you even write your talks!
* How to write your talks for the purpose of selling from the podium
* How to insure maximum attendance at your events
* How to work the room to set the stage for sales after your talk
* How to deliver your talk so that your audience wants to buy from you!
* How to get people on your mailing list
* How to present your offer so that it’s viewed as a gift…not a sales pitch.
and the one that really interested me…
* Learn how to train somebody to book your talks for you
My research shows that many folks who take Michael’s classes, not only make money by public speaking, but are viewed by the audience as an “expert” in their field and get hired for a tremendous amount of residual work too!
I would invite you to consider joining us on November 5th and 6th for this two-day workshop. I have just a few seats left. It will be well worth the investment.
For more information on what is covered, the location, cost, etc. visit