Although you may not have them in your hand at any given time, I would bet that you have at least 2 or 3 of a kind and maybe even 4 of a kind. I’d also bet you don’t have a full house or flush of any type. What kind of Poker am I talking about?
It’s not Poker at all it all those dang business cards you have in that one desk drawer or shoe box or where ever it is you keep them! There they are, in stacks or wrapped up or maybe even in little baggies. (That’s what I used to do… little zip-lock™ baggies. The snack size. They were all based on which meeting where I collected them.
I can just about tell you how you’ve arranged them too. You put a rubber band around the ones you you wanted to keep separate for some reason. Maybe it was because you thought that you should really get back to them some day. Or maybe it was that they could become your customers or you theirs.
Either way you look at it, playing (with your) cards like that is a losing hand. At least you “segmented” them in some way. That would be when you put the rubber band around them or put them in a separate place for some reason. That’s a good thing! A very good thing!
Now all you need to do is take your cards and send them off to who will scan them in, send em back to you and send you a spreadsheet (like Microsoft Excel) that you can easily import in to a contact management system. Then all you have to do is put them in some type contact management system…. More on this topic next week!