by Jack Klemeyer | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Have you ever uttered those two little words to a supervisor? What brought you to that decision? Was it that someone in the company, usually a supervisor, was caustic toward you and others, or perhaps a better opportunity was waiting for you in the wings. Have you...
by Jack Klemeyer | Sep 17, 2020 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Planning, Uncategorized
Be Ready for the Comeback This week marks, six months since things “shut-down!” I think you’d agree, things have been anything but normal, whatever normal is for you, your family and your business. Here are 10 Tips to keep you going strong so that...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jul 3, 2020 | Leadership, Learning, Persistence, Personal Growth, Uncategorized
Enjoy your independence this weekend and have a safe and happy celebration. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the...
by Jack Klemeyer | Mar 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
I can’t let go of that broken seat belt and here’s why… Remember my story about the flight delay and delay and delay at LaGuardia? (If not read about it here) In summary, as I headed home from the Maxwell International Certification in Orlando in...
by Jack Klemeyer | Mar 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
This past week I attended the John Maxwell International Certification in Orlando Florida. It was fun catching up with old and new friends from all over the world. Some were even from back here at home and some that I helped become a member of the John Maxwell...
by Jack Klemeyer | Feb 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Let’s Shoot for Average Hey! I have an idea… let’s all shoot for average! I’m sure if we really focus, apply ourselves and concentrate really hard, we can make it to average. My good friend and State Farm Agent in Griffith Indiana, Ron Pierce says...