Blog Archives

You Could Blame It On The Camera

You Could Blame It On The Camera You know it’s true, photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct and in most cases virtually worthless. How many times have you

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Posted in Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Planning, Uncategorized

Are Open Loops Your Ball and Chain?

Are Open Loops Your Ball and Chain? The older you get the more you will realize that the amount of energy you have is finite. It’s just like the battery in your flashlight. When it runs out of power, you’re

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Posted in Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Time Management

How can you make procrastination really be the positive life-changing strategy you need?

How can you make procrastination really be the positive life-changing strategy you need? Yes, I know, that’s a really long title – and yes, I know I used “really” in it, too. But here’s the rub – you REALLY CAN

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Posted in Learning, Time Management

Do You Need to Pause?

Do You Need to Pause? We are all guilty of committing – or really, omitting – tasks in building our businesses. I see it all the time in my years as the Grow Your Business Coach. But one of the

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Posted in Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Time Management

Boost Your Productivity – Time Block Your Meetings

Boost Your Productivity – Time Block Your Meetings Let’s face it – small business owners attend a lot of meetings. We have to! We need to: network to make new connections; meet with new prospects and customers to sell our

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Posted in Learning, Networking, Time Management

Digital Reminders Can Keep You on Time

Digital Reminders Can Keep You on Time In Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland,” White Rabbit pulls a watch from his waistcoat and frantically squeals, “I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. I’m overdue, I’m in rabbit stew,

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Posted in Learning, Time Management

Are you Never Really Anywhere?

Are You Never Really Anywhere? Eddie Cochran originally performed the classic song Summertime Blues way back in the 1950’s as an anthem of angst for a young person torn between love and having to work to earn money. An angst

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Posted in Learning, Mindset, Time Management

Stop Kneading the Dough in Your Business

Stop Kneading the Dough in Your Business Lack of time is not the problem – although you might think it is. In my years of coaching and training, I have found that not having enough time is not the root

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Posted in Learning, Time Management

The List: To-do or Not To-Do

The List: To-do or Not To-Do Are you a lister? I mean, do you have a to-do list? Lists can be great time management tools, but they can suck time away from you, too. Some people have to-do lists that

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Posted in Growth Strategy, Time Management

Now what was it I was supposed to do today? A Confession

How do you do it? Someone asks you to give them a call or worse yet, you tell them that you’ll call them later… what’s the next thing you do? Do you use your phone to make a note? Send

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Posted in Mindset, Planning, Time Management