Workplace Relationships Can Make You or Break You Typically when a work relationship spins out of the positive and into the negative a process I call “The Three R’s” has been present in some way. There are a multitude of…
Workplace Relationships Can Make You or Break You Typically when a work relationship spins out of the positive and into the negative a process I call “The Three R’s” has been present in some way. There are a multitude of…
Are Open Loops Your Ball and Chain? The older you get the more you will realize that the amount of energy you have is finite. It’s just like the battery in your flashlight. When it runs out of power, you’re…
How Much is Your Word Worth? As a business coach I work with individuals, groups, and teams across a wide swath of industries. I learn what obstacles and challenges they face as they try to develop personal and professional skills.…
What’s the REAL reason you started your business? Some may look at small business owners and just see capitalists or a renegades who don’t want to work for someone else. But when you come to know small business owners (SBOs)…
Does Your Favorite Number Work in Your Business? Numbers play a really HUGE role in our lives, don’t they? I mean we live by a lot of numbers: Time on the clock Balance in the checkbook What that demon scale…
9 Tactics to Champion Change in Your Business Okay, okay, settle down. After my last blog post, I got responses – ohh boy. Most of them went along these lines: I know I should get with the program and generate…
5 Steps to Introduce Change in Your Business Six letters that scare the bejeezus out of people: C-H-A-N-G-E. You’d think that six letters would be nice and even – you know, balanced, but oh no, not these six. They throw…
Do What You Say You’re Going to Do Do you mean what you say? When you tell someone that you’re going to do something, do you do it? Or, do you not do it? We’ve all had experiences where someone…