by gybcoaching | Feb 8, 2017 | Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Uncategorized
Workplace Relationships Can Make You or Break You Typically when a work relationship spins out of the positive and into the negative a process I call “The Three R’s” has been present in some way. There are a multitude of things that can inhibit your personal and...
by Jack Klemeyer | Nov 2, 2016 | Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Time Management
Are Open Loops Your Ball and Chain? The older you get the more you will realize that the amount of energy you have is finite. It’s just like the battery in your flashlight. When it runs out of power, you’re left in the dark. The reason that is so important is that you...
by Jack Klemeyer | Aug 24, 2016 | Leadership, Networking, Time Management
How Much is Your Word Worth? As a business coach I work with individuals, groups, and teams across a wide swath of industries. I learn what obstacles and challenges they face as they try to develop personal and professional skills. But I also learn why they choose to...
by Jack Klemeyer | Mar 23, 2016 | Leadership, Learning, Mindset
What’s the REAL reason you started your business? Some may look at small business owners and just see capitalists or a renegades who don’t want to work for someone else. But when you come to know small business owners (SBOs) like I have through coaching and training,...
by Jack Klemeyer | Nov 19, 2015 | Leadership, Mindset
You Might Close the Door – But Open Your Ears! Making a small shift in our attitude and how we approach something can make a HUGE difference in our leadership and in the entire organization. I want to share one concept with you. Instead of having an “open door”...