by gybcoaching | Feb 16, 2017 | Communication, Learning, Networking, Personal Growth, Speaking
If You Just Communicate You Can Get By – But If You Communicate Skillfully, You Can Work Miracles One of the biggest privileges we have as humans is the ability to communicate with one another in deep and meaningful ways. No other living creatures have the...
by Jack Klemeyer | Nov 19, 2015 | Leadership, Mindset
You Might Close the Door – But Open Your Ears! Making a small shift in our attitude and how we approach something can make a HUGE difference in our leadership and in the entire organization. I want to share one concept with you. Instead of having an “open door”...
by gybcoaching | Sep 10, 2014 | Mindset, Sales
There have been times in your life when people tried to convince you that what they were offering was better than it seemed: Remember that time an unscrupulous used car salesman pitched a lemon at you, he called the high price tag an “investment.” Investment…...
by Jack Klemeyer | Apr 23, 2014 | Growth Strategy, Learning
I am a flawed person. I know my flaws are many but my biggest flaw of all is that I care too much coupled with the fact that I try to help those that fight to be helped. Add to that the problem that I don’t charge nearly what I should (okay, need to) for the...
by gybcoaching | Jun 21, 2011 | Learning
Although grammatically incorrect… the question “How come I didn’t know about it?” is an excellent question. Too many times there has been an event that I find out about after the fact and I seem to ask… “How come I didn’t know...