Put a Little ‘Human’ in Your Online Presence

Put a little ‘human’ in your online presence What catches your eye? What makes you laugh? What do you appreciate? What interests you? If you can answer those questions, you can effectively use social media. All you have to remember is that the premise of social media...

Tips to Overcoming Sales Objections

Tips to Overcoming Sales Objections Has this ever happened to you? You’re meeting with a hot prospect. You’ve asked all the right questions. You’ve answered the person’s questions. You feel you’ve given a great sales presentation. Then you go to close the sale and...

Pushing Past the Fear to Ask for the Sale

Pushing Past the Fear to Ask for the Sale Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to ask for the sale? Your clients and prospects just automatically said, “Sure, I want to buy your product or service right now. What do I need to do?” While this may occasionally happen...