Want Your Business to Grow? You Need a Clear Sales Goal!

Recently, I met with a small business owner (SBO) named John. He was telling me all about the projects he had going on in his business. He was going after some pretty impressive things. But after a while of hearing everything he was doing to make these projects happen, I asked him if he had a clear sales goal for what he wanted to achieve this year in his business. Well, I guess I threw him a curve ball with that question. He sat there for a minute with that deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes like he was scrambling for an answer.

A clear sales goal gives you a clear target to shoot for!Just like John, not having a clear annual sales goal in mind seems to trip up many SBOs. Yes, some SBOs can answer with a definite number. But many entrepreneurs only have a vague idea of what they want to accomplish dollar wise. And, then there are others who just plod along without a specific goal at all.

As a seasoned business coach, I can honestly say if you want your business to be successful and profitable, you have to have a specific number emblazoned in your mind – and you need to write it down!  Put that written dollar amount in places where you can constantly see it – on your bathroom mirror, in your billfold, on the refrigerator, by your computer. By seeing that sales number daily, you’re more likely to achieve that goal.

For example, I read about a company that was struggling. While they were making four million dollars in sales a year, they were still losing money. A group of managers in one of the divisions decided to buy that division from the parent company and set up a new company.

The president of the new company set a sales goal of $34.25 million in five years – an impressive goal, considering what the parent company had made in sales. The new president created a plan that precisely outlined how the company was going to reach that goal. The president and his managers continually reminded the company’s employees about this long-term goal; and they set short-term goals to help keep their employees motivated toward achieving that long-range sales objective.

After five years, what do you think happened? The company hit $34.25 million, right on the mark. This story shows you how powerful having a clearly defined, specific goal and a detailed plan can be.

Marc Allen in Visionary Business says:

“Keep your mind focused on your goal. Don’t let doubts, fears, and ‘small thinking’ undermine that goal. Don’t think too small – if you do, the company you create will always remain small. Your company reflects your mind; it reflects your dominant visualization.”

Remember: You create your own business success.

If you only have a vague idea of what your sales goals are – or no goal at all, your company will continue to struggle and get nowhere. But if you have a clear goal in mind, and continually focus on reaching that goal and having a profitable, successful company, your business will continue to grow and succeed.

If you need help determining a sales goal for your company, contact me. I can help you figure out that dollar amount and develop a plan to achieve it. Many SBOs have found business coaching to be beneficial to their business success. Just ask anyone in one of the Grow Your Business mastermind groups. There’s gold in them thar sessions!

To your success!

Jack Signature

B3 – Be Bold, Brilliant and Boundless!