How Well Do You Connect With People?

Lately the topic of leadership has come up in just about every conversation I have had with people. It’s not that I bring it up, but that leadership is inherent in just about every endeavor that small business owners (SBOs) and entrepreneurs undertake.

Can you see your dream?

The reason for that is simple. Every SBO is doing what they do because, in some way, they want to make a difference: a difference in their communities, a difference in their lives and the lives of the people around them, even a difference in the state, nation or world. Dreams are big things.

John Maxwell, who is the recognized authority on leadership worldwide, inspires me. That’s why I became a certified John Maxwell coach, speaker and trainer. He might not always have THE answer I seek, but he provides the motivation to find THE answer. And he puts it so simply:

“If you have the heart to make a difference, there is always an answer, but if you have a heart of indifference, there is never an answer.” – John MaxwellAnd if I know anything, I know that SBOs are not indifferent. There is always plenty of passion and determination – even if others see it as bullheadedness and stubbornness. Sometimes that is what it takes because dreams are not always easily articulated – or accomplished.

We can see it, feel it and hold it, but it’s difficult to express what drives us and makes it a possibility in our eyes. I’m thankful I have John Maxwell as a resource. In his newest book, Intentional Living, Maxwell gives us the model for creating what he calls a “I Have a Dream” statement. It is loosely based on the famous oratory by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Maxwell’s statement:

I Have a Dream

History tells us that in every age there comes a time when leaders must come forth to meet the needs of the hour. Therefore, there is no potential leader who does not have an opportunity to better mankind. Those around him also have the same privilege. Fortunately, I believe that God has surrounded me with those who will accept the challenge of this hour.

My dream allows me to …

  1. Fire up at any moment all that I am in order to receive all that I can become.
  2. Sense the invisible so I can do the impossible.
  3. Trust God’s resources since the dream is bigger than all my abilities and acquaintances.
  4. Continue when discouraged, for when there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.
  5. Attract winners because big dreams draw big people.
  6. See myself and my people in the future. Our dream is the promise of what we shall one day be.

Yes, I have a dream. It is greater than any of my gifts. It is as large as the world but it begins with one. Won’t you join me?

It is important to be able to articulate how you will make your dream happen because you want others to join you on the journey. Let me re-phrase that. You NEED others to join you on the journey.

We all know that “no man is an island” and that we can’t do everything all by ourselves. And, even if we could eventually master every task that needs to be done – do you want to waste the time it would take? Don’t you want to achieve success FASTER? Perhaps it is my impatience, but I don’t want to spend weeks, months, or years mastering skills and putting off success while I learn. I want it sooner. I want it NOW.

And there it is, that’s where leadership comes into the equation. If you can express the passion driving you in the pursuit of your dream, inoculate others with your vision and enthusiasm, you will shorten the path to success, create influence – and enjoy the journey more.

A Mastermind Group is a perfect environment for establishing a team of supporters and resources. Your fellow group members help to clarify and refine your thinking, brainstorm ideas and strategies, support your efforts and cheer you on, but keep you accountable to your commitments and the big dream.

First things first. Create your own “I Have a Dream” statement. It might take a few days or a month – but then you are ready to share it and create a team of supporters and resources to help that dream become a reality. Then contact me about a Mastermind Group. You can also call me if you want to talk right away. I understand, I want progress NOW, too.

You have it within you – you feel it every day. Put it into words – and then put it into ACTION!

To Your Success!

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B3 – Be Bold, Brilliant and Boundless!