by gybcoaching | Feb 8, 2017 | Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Uncategorized
Workplace Relationships Can Make You or Break You Typically when a work relationship spins out of the positive and into the negative a process I call “The Three R’s” has been present in some way. There are a multitude of things that can inhibit your personal and...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jan 11, 2017 | Growth Strategy, Leadership, Planning
Strong Businesses Are Not Built on Bells and Whistles It’s just the beginning of the year and I am hearing so many people talk about being overwhelmed – already?? At first that scared me a little bit. The state of the nation and the business arena are in such a time...
by Jack Klemeyer | Oct 26, 2016 | Networking
3 Steps to Building Successful Business Relationships Recently, I was talking with a friend who was lamenting about how hard it can be to build thriving business relationships. As a small business owner, she’s noticed (and heard from other folks) that many people seem...
by Jack Klemeyer | Oct 12, 2016 | Leadership, Mindset
What is it that you value? Are you sure? I was recently working with a coaching client helping him through the process of adding to his staff. He’d been disappointed with the last three people he had taken on so he wanted to be very thoughtful about how to go about...
by Jack Klemeyer | Sep 28, 2016 | Networking, Sales
Is your pool deep or broad? A colleague, we’ll call Sam, was lamenting a disastrous sales call over a cup of hot java this week and I kind of felt bad for him. Sam had been trying to find a contact in a firm he had targeted as a big prospect. He put out the word he...