Aim – Hone in on the Real Target

Are you up for an experiment?

I know what the outcome can be, but I think many of us (me included) have to actually experience something to really understand the power we hold in the little things we can do.

Step 1 of this experiment is one that you may already have done. I want you to identify your top prospect. Who is it that you really want as a client or as a strategic partner? It could be a business you want to work with, but for this you have to drill down to a particular person.

Step 2. Go to Google Alerts and enter the company name, the person’s name and the industry they are in.

Step 3. Keep watch of the articles and news that comes in. When something pops up that you find interesting that relates to them, send it via email to them or through social media with a note saying you thought this might interest them or an insight you gained from the article. Or, if it’s been an achievement made by the company or person, send a quick “Congratulations!” or “I really liked this article!”

Step 4. Enter on social media. Don’t tweet them or add a post to their timeline. No, follow them. Pay attention to their posts. Retweet, reply and interact with them. This will allow you to start to show up on their radar.

To grow a solid business, build real relationships that will be long term and mutually beneficial.Build on that relationship until you can offer to meet for a cup of coffee or a one-to-one. That meeting is not to sell them, but to get to know them and vice versa. It might take some time, but before long, you will discover one of two things:

  1. They are not who or what you expected and this is not a good fit personally or professionally. Or,
  2. You have built a relationship where you know, like and are starting to trust each other.

Think what those type of relationships mean to your business. IF you are in business for the long-term, these are the relationships you want to build and maintain – for your business growth and your own personal and professional development.

Building a business is like every other aspect of life … you create links and connections and they last a long, long time, providing benefits and perks you never thought possible. It’s all in an effort to contribute …

To Your Success!

Jack Signature

B3 – Be Bold, Brilliant and Boundless!