by Jack Klemeyer | Jun 8, 2016 | Leadership, Mindset
Would it be better if you just quit? How often do you see or hear the following words and messages? “Don’t quit!” “Never give up!” “You can do it!” “Hang in there!” Since we were little we’ve heard “ Winners never quit and quitters never win!” In many situations; on...
by Jack Klemeyer | Feb 24, 2016 | Leadership, Learning, Planning, Uncategorized
Are You Great at Recruiting the WRONG People? Hearing it said that you are the sum of the five people you associate with most is so common that it often just provokes a nod and droll, “Yeah, I know.” But I recently read an article by John Maxwell that brought this...
by Jack Klemeyer | Nov 5, 2015 | Leadership, Learning, Mindset
Does Your Favorite Number Work in Your Business? Numbers play a really HUGE role in our lives, don’t they? I mean we live by a lot of numbers: Time on the clock Balance in the checkbook What that demon scale says in the bathroom And, of course, we won’t even mention...