by Jack Klemeyer | Aug 1, 2018 | Get Clients Now!™, Growth Strategy, Learning, Marketing, Mindset, Networking, Personal Growth, Sales
Eight Tips to Get More Referrals By Improving Your Networking! Getting referrals is about effective business networking. The bringing together of like-minded individuals who, through relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another. That’s...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jul 19, 2018 | Get Clients Now!™, Growth Strategy, Learning, Marketing, Networking, Persistence, Sales, Uncategorized
Ten Tips to Increase Your Business with Referrals Tip # 1 Discipline Yourself to a Routine of ‘Asking’ Here’s something profound. The reason most of us do not get referrals on a routine basis is because we do not ask for them on a routine basis. Well, it’s almost that...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jul 6, 2018 | Get Clients Now!™, Growth Strategy, Learning, Marketing, Networking, Planning, Sales
A Simple Plan for Getting More Referrals A substantial part of your business can come (and should come) from referrals. For many businesses referrals are their main source of new business. For you, the key to making referrals happen can be summed up in three simple...
by Jack Klemeyer | Apr 5, 2018 | Get Clients Now!™, Growth Strategy, Marketing, Networking, Planning, Sales
10 Tips to More Referrals Tip # 1 Discipline Yourself to a Routine of ‘Asking’ Here’s something profound. The reason most of us do not get referrals on a routine basis is because we do not ask for them on a routine basis. Well, it’s almost that simple. What would be...
by Jack Klemeyer | Dec 29, 2017 | Get Clients Now!™, Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Marketing, Mindset, Personal Growth, Planning, Uncategorized
What is it that stops someone from pursuing a dream? Fear! Fear is a greatest enemy in the world of entrepreneurialism. It is fear that causes us to halt when we need to step forward. It is fear that views any risk as an insurmountable obstacle. It is fear that will...
by Jack Klemeyer | Sep 28, 2012 | Get Clients Now!™, Sales
Have you ever lost your keys? I mean really lost your keys? I have! My keys were so lost, my friend, Jack Needham called a friend of his who was a psychic. Not that I believe in psychics but Jack’s friend said my keys were on a desk and sure enough, the building...