Today while on a call with my good friend Dr. Jacquie Calder of Behavioral Science Research Press, or BSRP for short,, they are the sales call reluctance people, about a sales call reluctance issue she said to me… “You’re no dummy Jack! You’re not some kind of num-nut.” Well that woke me up!
You see for years, literally years, I have been struggling with Follow-up and follow through. I have an entire book of reasons and excuses why I struggle… but none the less, I still struggle. I have tried to hire a Virtual Assistant ((VA)but it was much like the proverbial dancing with a pig… The VA got frustrated and I got dirty. You guessed it, it didn’t work.
Truth be told, I am not organized enough to off-load work on to a VA. I am pretty good in my work, actually I am really good at what I do! I know too that if I were better organized and had better follow through and follow up habits, patterns, behaviors, I would be even better and have even more clients.
It’s my intent to keep you updated on my progress with conquering this gremlin inside me that is most definitely holding me back. “Why confess in such a public way?”, you might ask… My answer is simple… I need your help, ideas, techniques, strategies and beliefs to help me beat this beast!
Jacquie and I formed a little accountability agreement and it’s this… We’ll use the AM or mornings to do “New Business/New Money” prospecting activities. We’ll use the PM or afternoons to do “Keeping Current Business” prospecting and relationship building things and we won’t do any “Administrivia” stuff until after 4:00 in the afternoon.