Have you heard that little song before
“Pickin up paw-paws puttin’ ’em in the basket…
Pickin up paw-paws puttin’ ’em in the basket…
Pickin up paw-paws puttin’ ’em in the basket…
Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch.”
Now you may ask… “What in the heck does that song have to do with anything?” Besides being an American Folk song only that it makes me think of getting ready for something. That’s why I brought it up this week…
This time of year is an opportune time to get your next year lined out and organized.
Think of all the things you want to accomplish in 2013. Perhaps there are some things you want to improve on from how they played out in 2012. Maybe there some things that you just didn’t get to in 2012 and there are always the things that you learned new in 2012 and didn’t have time or the chance to implement.
The times when I have been most successful in my career are the times when during this time of year I took a day, two maybe three and really thought out what I wanted the next year to look like.
So I urge you to grab your favorite pen or pencil and a yellow pad of paper and really put some thought into making 2013 the best! My favorite “pad” of paper isn’t a pad at all… here’s my secret… I go to Steak and Shake and use the back of their placemats!
You can create a whole business on the back of one of those placemats.