Are you as puzzled as I am about why there is a run on toilet paper? (no pun intended)

Maybe you’re like me and have seen pictures all over social media of empty shelves and carts with dozens of rolls of toilet paper on board. There have even been videos posted of fights over the last package of toilet paper. You’d think it was Christmastime!

Then, I saw a post on the Facebook that read April Fools Day was going to be canceled this year. Here Is what the post actually said.

That is so true! The NBA has suspended the season, The NCAA has said “no fans” can attend the March Madness Games, The President of the United States has banded travel into the United State from Europe for thirty days. There is, as the quote said: “…unbelievable shit happening in the real world right now.” What’s next?

There is so much crap happening… that toilet paper is desperately needed.

Here’s the thing… there is an old saying that goes something like, “where your attention goes your energy flows.” Which is to say, you bring about more of what you focus on. Think bad… bring bad. Think good… bring good.

I’m not saying that Covid-19 virus is make believe or not real, but I am saying how you respond to the news (most of which is inaccurate and certainly inconsistent) is how much stress you will experience. It’s a choice!

A good friend, Shawn Holland, sent me a link to a video by author and speaker, Jon Gordon where Jon talks about two “F” words. Fear and Faith. Here’s a link to the video.

The things both fear and faith have in common, Jon says, besides beginning with the letter F, both deal with the future. Fear projects a negative, down-trodden future where faith projects a future of optimism, hope and opportunity. Take a minute today and watch Jon’s video. It’s two-minutes and twenty-five seconds well worth your time.

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