While on retreat in South Carolina I was fortunate to meet a real southern gentleman. His name is Burrow Hill and he is the author of a great book every married person should read. “Talk Tools, For The Business Side Of Marriage.”
Burrow was a successful commercial contractor in South Carolina for many years before he retired to live his passion of helping married folks get more from their marriage by better communicating. Burrow and his wife have practiced the principles in his book for over 15 years… so I know he knows what he’s talking about in the book.
The book has “35 proven and fun tools to improve your relationship” and that’s where the phrase “Where did I put the…?” comes in to play. Chapter 8 begins with a cartoon explaining the difference between when a male loses something versus when a female loses something. As a matter of fact, as I was writing this e-mail, I asked Cath… “Honey, where did I put my copy of Talk Tools? It looks like…” That set her off looking for it. She is amazed that I can tell her the color of the books binding, the font style and color and approximate size. I do remember all that, I just don’t remember where in the heck I put it. I am amazed that she can always find what ever it is we’re looking for. I think I am more amazed that she still helps me find the stuff I lose!
When a female loses something, she diligently goes looking for it. On the other hand, when a male loses something, he askes… “Honey, have you seen my…?” and so it goes.
Pick up a copy of this great book, it’s a fun and easy read and your relationship will be the beneficiary! For more of a challenge, stay tuned for one of Burrow’s retreats hopefully coming to Indianapolis in the near future. Check out more about Burrow and Talk Tools on his website.