From time to time it’s good to take a look at how you are performing. I have found over the years that the following eight elements are critical to a successful business. They don’t just apply to sales either… They apply to recruiting, developing and growing a thriving business.
There are a few supporting factors that enhance these eight and act as a multiplier effect. I’ll cover those in another writing. Take a look at these eight and honestly rate where you think you are on a scale of 1 to 10. One being “not so good” and 10 being “I’ve mastered that one baby!”
We’ve created an online assessment that actually helps you assess where you are… you can use it for yourself or as a coaching tool for a team member. It’s almost ready to share with you too… Please, if you’re interested in being a beta tester for me, click here. We’ll give you first shot at taking the assessment. It’s been a few years in the making and by putting it here… I’ll make sure it goes live soon!
- Time and Energy Management – Your schedule and how you spend your time.
- Consistency – The systems and processes of your business… “This is how we do it here!” that happen successfully time and time again without thought or effort to bring consistent results.
- Stay-In-Touch – Keeping important, influencers, associates, clients, referrals and strategic partners and prospects up to date on your business and how you help people just like them.
- Filling the Pipeline – Having enough people to see and follow-up with on a consistent basis.
- Following Up – Making sure you get in front of your next prospect that will become your next client, patient, strategic partner or referral source. Understanding the buyers – buying process.
- Getting Appointments – Actually setting and having the appointment and structuring it for the highest percentage of success.
- Closing Sales – Overcoming any and all objections and then asking for the order is how any business grows.
- Getting Referrals – The second easiest person to get to become a client or patient is the referral but only if you have the proper systems in place to make the “ask” a natural part of your process.
How did you do? How did your team members do?
If you haven’t yet already signed up and you’d like to be a beta tester for me, please click here.
Remember, when using this as a coaching tool… If you want performance…. you have to have clear expectations and give good, specific feedback.
To Your Success!