On the last Friday morning of the year, 2011 that is, My son John, my good friend Neil Richmund and his son Jaxon and I took a trip to the Eiteljorg Museum. John is fascinated with Native Americans and the Eiteljorg is the place to go around here to learn more about them. As a bonus, the Jingle Rails train layout was there too and it was really impressive.

It’s amazing what we can do when we think we can!

As we walked through the museum seeing and reading about the American Indian, I noticed a small sculpture in a display case. (I took a quick photo and it’s to the right here…) The sculpture was of a man sitting with a little figure on each shoulder, bent over as if to whisper in each of his ears. The title of the sculpture was “Who are you going to listen too?”

You and I both have those same little figures on our shoulders. One and unfortunately the one we listen to least tells us all the things we are capable of doing. The other and more unfortunately the one we listen to the most,  tells us all we cannot do. That’s the voice (the one right now that’s saying, “what voice, I don’t have a voice…) that sews the seeds of doubt, insecurity, low self confidence and makes all of us far less than we otherwise could be.

It’s true our mind is powerful and it’s also true that we have a choice! Which voice will you listen to this first week of a new year? I challenge you to choose to listen to that voice that looks to possibility and potential. Just tell the other voice to (literally tell it to) “Get off my back!”

A sure formula for success is employ your God given abilities and be consistent in listening to the little voice that thinks you can. If you choose to do that, I am confident you will have a spectacular 2012! (pronounced Twenty-Twelve!)