Have you ever had a feeling that you should call someone or stop and see someone?

What did you do? Did you act on the feeling? Did you suppress it?

I must admit, this is not an original idea, which most are not.This idea came from my friend Karen Flasher who I know from my daughter Libby, my wife and now through BNI. She is in my weekly BNI Chapter, the Achievers Network. Karen give our whole chapter this idea right before Christmas and it really hit me how important the concept is and can be!

As I was writing this e-mail, I asked Cathy (my wife) how Libby met Gracie, Karen’s daughter… and it was, ironically, in response to a Tug Cathy had for Libby to play with Gracie.

In my studies of NLP, there is a presupposition that says “The messenger never rests until the  message is received” Which roughly means it’s important to pay attention to a communication or symptom… also known as a Tug!

So the next time you’re thinking about calling, sending a card or note or just stopping by to see a client or old friend… do it! You’ll be pleasantly surprised how it plays out for you and the results you realize!