How many times have you been at an event and heard someone talking about themselves and they start the conversation with the phrase… “I”m terrible at…” or maybe better “I’m not very good at…”

Over the past 2 weeks at my weekly BNI meeting 2 different guests came to visit (if you haven’t visited a BNI Chapter… you really should) and they both started off introducing themselves with “I’m unemployed…” They ended up saying they were doing this or that kind of work. Maybe it’s just me… but that doesn’t compel me to want to engage them in a business relationship. Maybe I am some sort of snob… but that kind of language doesn’t exude professionalism for me.

I think when you have an opportunity to introduce yourself in front of a group of potential customers you should play to your strengths! Tell em what you’re good at! Tell em what your passions are! Tell em why you wanted to go into business or serve clients … not that you had too!

How you think about yourself does a lot more than you think in controlling your actions or behaviors. If you have a “less that resourceful” thought/image of yourself your actions (even the minor sub-conscious ones) won’t be getting you to your desired goal. You will actually be self sabotaging yourself.

I have a good friend and client who has developed a weight loss program based on his actual weight loss… well over one-hundred pounds! His program is called Line in the Sand. He had a client who said he wanted to loose weight but… his identity was tied up in being fat. How did Donn, my good friend and client know that… his friend’s e-mail address was “fatjim@yaho.moc” (actual name changed). When asked about it.. ol’ Jim just said, well that’s who I am. Do you thing Jim lost any weight?