Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal
How much time to you spend “getting ready” for life?
If you have ever been part of an athletic team or any sort of entertainment performance like a play, dance or concert, you know how much practice is put into the main event. We practice, practice, practice until everything is “just right.”
But life is not that way. We can’t practice for life.
Life is more like on-the-job training. Learn as you go.
So what can we do to make life the best it can be? How can we make our businesses as successful as they can be?
The answer is simple.
We just have to become the best we can be by learning and growing. Everything we do, try, read, discuss, and believe are lessons in personal development – if we recognize them and actually learn from them.
There are no practice days. There are no dress rehearsals. We live – or not.
This is especially true for small business owners (SBOs). Life and business is so madly intertwined for SBOs that to try to extricate what activities are personal, family or professional is like picking the red out of a purple dress. Everything mixes together to be its own entity – one we just call life.
You’ve heard the Jim Rohn quote:
“Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn
Be the best person you can be. In everything. Because the basis for all your successes begins with YOU. Your environment, life, and business reflects YOU and the place where your heart and head reside at the moment.
- Want more success? Build it into your being – what you think, say and do.
- Want more confidence or customers or productivity? It will all begins with YOU.
You know that one of my own personal mentors, and heroes, is John Maxwell. And part of the reason for that is because I learn so much from him and that means I can give more to my clients and associates. In fact, I became a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker because of the personal development he provides through his books and courses, which, I feel, is the foundation for success in all endeavors in life.
Even though everyone is at different levels of their personal development, everyone benefits from every Maxwell Study Group I offer. When I do a Study Group, I know that every person will grow from where they are to the next level because we as humans take in and assimilate whatever it is we are ready for. And growth is a continuum that is on-going.
If you can begin one habit that will most profoundly change your life, it would be to devote some time and effort to personal development. Turn off the TV. Stop being passive. Stop waiting. Instead, take control. Commit to take steps into action daily. Read. Take classes. Engage in discussions with people. Contact me and let’s set a time for you to sit in on one of my mastermind groups.
Stop just practicing and watching life go by. Treat every moment as the main event. Remind yourself that you are in the spotlight for the performance of your lifetime.
To Your Success!