by Jack Klemeyer | Feb 18, 2015 | Growth Strategy, Learning
The Secret of Kingsford Charcoal Briquets You’ve probably heard of the names of Edison, Firestone and Ford. Today we know these names as a brand of products but behind these brands there is much more than a fancy corporate marketing department. These...
by Jack Klemeyer | Apr 9, 2012 | Learning, Uncategorized
I’ve been working my way through Nightingale Conant’s Audio Program “The Top 2%” and I have found the information about the power of the Mastermind is an excellent explanation. I am amazed at how many people have never heard of the concept of...
by gybcoaching | Nov 29, 2011 | Learning
Napoleon Hill the author of “Think and Grow Rich” the timeless classic story about what the wealthy and successful (okay, rich and famous) people of the early 20th Century did to become rich and famous. I’ve heard that to complete the classic book...