First let me say I love Bananas Foster! I really do! there used to be, maybe still is, a quaint little restaurant on the North side of Chicago, in Andersonville on Balmoral Avenue, called the Dellwood Pickle and they make the absolute best Bananas Foster I have ever eaten. So, when I see or hear that Bananas Foster is on the menu at any restaurant I visit, I must give it a try.
Recently, my family and I visited a newly opened restaurant and when asked what was on the dessert menu and I was told Bananas Foster, I was thrilled. Here comes the lesson… Nine times out of ten when I get the Bananas Foster it’s a real disappointment because I am comparing it to the Dellwood Pickle’s, which I had at least 15 years ago. Mostly when the disappointment occurs it’s not the quality of the food it’s the recipe, the way it’s made.
Well this time, at the newly opened restaurant, it was the quality. The bananas were black and completely over ripe. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t believe the wait staff actually brought it out! It made me think… in my business what deliverables are not what I would be absolutely proud of when delivered? You see, the Dellwood Pickle knew they had something special in their Bananas Foster and that’s why they made it table-side with flair for every order.
Here are some take away ideas for all of us to remember.
- Be sure what you offer is what you want the customer/client to receive.
- Always check in to make sure there isn’t something you’re being compared to that isn’t there now… i.e. The Dellwood Pickle’s Bananas Foster.
- Make sure everyone on your team know what is expected and absolutely what is unacceptable (i.e.. No black bananas!)
- From time to time, check with the client your team is working with to make sure all is well.
- If you have checks and balances in place to make sure you deliver what is promised every time, you will have customer who are loyal to you for a long, long time!