I’m sure you’ve heard the song that Freddie wrote way back in 1977 it was on the album (yes they were all albums back then… no CD’s just vinyl albums, but that’s a story for another day) News to the World. This song still remains among rock’s most recognizable anthems.

The song I’m talking about is “We Are The Champions” and according to Wikipedia, in 2011 a team of scientific researchers concluded that the song was the catchiest in the history of popular music. The accolades for the song go on and on.

Go ahead! Stake your claim above the competition! Be a champion!With the introduction of that song along with “We Will Rock You” (a B side of the single) the British rock group Queen came bursting on the scene of music immortality. The song, when performed live at first seemed a bit pretentious but it allowed Queen to set themselves apart from other groups in a big way.

You too can set yourself apart from your competition in the exact same way by making a bold statement about your skills, products or services. You only need to have the guts to “put it out there!” I’m not worried about you measuring up to your claims because I know when you put the bold statement into play; you’ll be able to back it up.

All too many entrepreneurs fail to stake their claim on what they do best and better than any of their competitors.

You can’t be competed against as long as you put you in your business. Go ahead and step out there… be bold and jam that flag in the sand to stake your claim. Your clients and prospects will notice and be attracted to your confidence!

To your success!