Fill your head with new learning and your business will benefit.There are a lot of things to be learned in the world. You could begin right now reading book after book during every minute of the rest of your life and you could still not read all of the books that have been written. The amount of knowledge that is possible to learn is literally endless. However, just because you will never learn everything there is to know does not mean that you should not make an effort to always be getting an education from life.

The late legendary coach John Wooden once said, “It’s what you learn after you think you know it all that counts.” and that is true especially for those of us who are in business. You have to be open to the new and rearranging of the old in order to grow.

Another way to think about growing is benefiting or profiting. Make sure in the plans you have for yourself, you have one for learning.
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” said Jim Rohn.
Continuing your education with consistent learning is simply choosing to never be satisfied with what you already know. One of the main things necessary for education or learning to be a success is curiosity. What are the things you are curious about? Is there anything that you have always wondered about but have never taken the time to figure out?
If so, these are the very things that can be the start of expanding your education. Let your curiosity about weather patterns or economics theory drive you to do an internet search or find a knowledgeable source on the subject.
Begin making a list of the things you wonder about or would like to learn. Then begin slowly, one by one, to do what it takes to learn about each item on your list. If, for example, learning to knit is at the top of your list, let yourself take a few months to add this skill.
You can:
  • Read a Book
  • Read a Book on Kindle (or the kindle app on an smart phone)
  • Read a book on iBooks
  • Listen to a book on MP3
  • Listen to a book on CD
  • For the “way back machine” Listen to a book on tape
  • Attend a lecture
  • Watch a TED Talk
  • Take a class

Don’t rush the process of education and learning or it will become stressful and unappealing. Don’t worry if it takes you longer to learn to ice skate or to research about influence than you had planned. The fact that you are learning new things and increasing your education will be the most important thing.

The ability to continue our education long beyond our days of school is truly a gift. Accept this gift and use it wisely while you can.

To your success!

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