I’ve been thinking about how to ADAPT during an unexpected event – Like This Stay-at-home ordered Quarantine!

The Great Equalizer, that’s what my friend and mentor Paul Martinelli calls the current times of most everyone we know being on the same page. Being on the same page in that most of not everyone we know is forced to work from home or with a skeleton crew at their office.

Dealing with weeks on end of being stuck at home can be daunting for sure. The news raves of doom and gloom messages causing anxiety to rise in those that blindly follow the parroted messages broadcast each and every day. If a person didn’t know better, you’d think there was some sort of evil orchestrated plan to drive the populous into a frantic panic.

But how do you and I ADAPT to all this unfamiliar territory? I’ve been thinking about just that and I wanted to share some of my thoughts.

A – Attitude – monitor your attitude and be sure to be feeding it with the right stuff. Read something that inspires you, listen to your favorite tunes, create some kind of art or craft all to bring your attitude up and best.

D – Develop a new skill, or perhaps a new way of thinking. Find something on your list of “I wish I knew how to” and work on it in an intentional way. Make a new discipline of growing that new skill.

A – Appreciate your friends and family. Tell them, call them, Facetime them. Reach out and keep the connections of friends, family, prospects and clients warm and real. Exercise gratitude (appreciation) every day in many ways. We always have something to be grateful for no matter the circumstance.

P – Plan for the comeback. When things “open up” and they will open up, be ready. Get your ducks in a row, organize your files like my friend and professional photographer, Rick McIntyre is doing. Rick is taking this time to get all his fantastic images organized.

T – Think! Practice some of the strategies of, as John Maxwell says, “How Successful People Think” Begin a new practice of Reflective Thinking. Evaluate each day, what good did you do? Practice Creative Thinking. There are things you CAN do! Zoom.us allows you to reach out online for a 40 minute video chat at no cost. Use Facetime or Skype to connect. Have a thinking party… (formerly known as a brainstorming session) with colleagues to create your plan, share what your grateful for, what skill you’re developing.

This is an opportunity to take charge and grow. Learn a new skill. Get better at e-mail, or computer skills. One thing is for sure this is not a time for a pitty party. Come join me for a four session journey of “Leading Through Crisis” with John Maxwell. Register right here there are a few seats left.