First let me say I am speaking to myself as much as I am to anyone else.
With that said let’s see how we can really “use,” (and by that I mean get to know, like and trust) each other even better by actually going a step or two out of our way to refer someone in the group. I remember when Travis Sims spoke to us at our visitors day, he mentioned that one of the perks of membership is the ability to get referrals from the group.
Visitors should be encouraged to join so they take advantage of that perk. Being a visitor, guest, sub or someone else you know in and of itself doesn’t put someone at the head of the line to get a referral over a member. Before we suggest or refer a solution outside of our Chapter (or maybe even BNI itself) we should use the person who is in our chapter. If you don’t know them well enough to like them… then that’s your fault. Meet with them and do a one-to-one! If their quality, business practices, manors, ethics or any other reason are a problem… talk to them about it or at the very least let someone on the membership committee know.
I truly believe we have the makings to become a leading BNI chapter! Why do I care about being a leading chapter? I think Reed says it best, “It’s money!” More money for you, more money for me, more money for all of us. I want that for all of us!
Remember I’m talkin to myself as much as I am anyone specific person. Your membership in BNI has to become more than a transaction! It shouldn’t be “I have BNI this morning” and treated like a weekly appointment. Being a member means treating your membership like a relationship. Build from meeting to meeting. Meet for breakfast, lunch, a coke or coffee and even just for a one-to-one.
Get the training… if you have a question… ask, If you have a problem… bring it up (first with the person you have the issue with and if no satisfactory resolution then to someone on the leadership team)
Remember it’s about Knowing each other, Liking each other and Trusting each other! One seamless business gettin kick ass team!