Key Skills Plus Continuous Learning Equals Success
Do you consider you’re successful in your small business?
The thing about success is the target is always moving. The goals you set for yourself last year are not the same as the goals you’ve set for yourself this year. And the goals you set for next year, won’t be the same as this year’s.
Why is that? Because you should be continually improving your skills to make yourself better, which should be reflected in your goals for each year.
Basketball coach Pat Riley said, “Anytime you stop striving to get better, you’re bound to get worse.” What he means is, it doesn’t matter how good your skills are today, if you don’t continually upgrade your knowledge and skills, you’ll still become obsolete. Because everything eventually becomes outdated, as people continue to develop the latest and greatest gadgets or services. So, if you don’t want to be passed by in your business, you need to keep your knowledge and skills sharp to compete with the up-and-comers.
“Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.” – Brain Tracy
However, if you try to focus on improving too many skills at one time, you may become frustrated with your lack of progress. I see it many times as I coach business people. There are so many things they want to change and improve. Therefore, I suggest you ask yourself: “What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest impact on my business?”
To identify that skill, consider all the skills you currently possess. You may be better in some and weaker in others. You might choose to focus on and improve a strong skill or concentrate on one of your weaker skills. Or, maybe there’s a skill you don’t possess currently, but you would like to have to take your business to the next level.
If you need help sorting and prioritizing, Grow Your Business Coaching can help. We are committed to learning and growing, not only for ourselves, but for our clients, friends and everyone we can touch.
Once you have identified your skill, you need to develop a continuous learning program to master this skill. Your learning program should include these four steps:
- Read about your skill (or your field) for at least one hour a day, every day. Get up earlier than normal if you need to fit in the time to read.
- Take courses on your skill. Attend seminars and workshops. Sit upfront and take notes.
- Purchase educational audio programs on your skill. Listen to them in your car. Did you know that the average driver is in their car 500 to 1,000 hours a year? That’s a lot of time you can put to good use by turning your drive time into learning time.
- Put your skill into practice. The more you use your skill, the better you will become at it.
By following these steps, you can acquire the skills you need to make yourself – and your business – more valuable to your customers. Because the only way to success is to provide more and better service to your clients – and that all starts with skills development and continuous learning.
To your success!