What Are You Willing to Do to Make More Sales?
- Are you willing to learn more about the sales cycle?
- How about finding out how to overcome sales objections?
- Are you willing to make a list of target prospects?
- What about spiffing up your personal appearance or the promotional materials you use?
- Some make lists and plan out their day the night before, would you do that?
- What about identifying your ideal client and learning everything you can about those prospects?
If you answered, “Yes” to any or all of those, good. I’m proud of you. Intention is one of the initial steps in finding success. But intention isn’t going to make it happen for you. After all, you know what road is paved with good intentions….
It’s the doing.
Jack Canfield says, “The world doesn’t pay you for what you know; it pays you for what you do.”
When you stop contemplating, planning, organizing and preparing – and take action – you will inevitably be carried to success. That’s right. It has to happen once you start doing.
When you apply your sales cycle or sales objections knowledge in the actual sales event – it will end in success. The odds are with you then. Not so much if you are sitting in the coffee shop reading about it.
You have to get out and do it! You have to take action and pursue the sales. By studying and learning you are paying the price for the success you will find – you have earned it! You deserve it!
Oh, one more thing…
Earning and deserving success is great, but you have to be willing to do something else, too. In the majority of my experiences as a business coach, there is one thing that ALWAYS rears its head up like a dragon – and that is FEAR.
You know what fear is, don’t you?
The story of Peter is a great example of how we let FEAR direct our actions. Peter lost the fine motor skills in both his hands. He was afraid to do anything, or go anywhere, by himself. When he finally decided to face his fears so that he could eliminate what was holding him back from living his life, he made the decision to travel on his own.
Here are some of the fears, and solutions, he faced:
Fear: I was afraid of the check-in at the airport. I didn’t know if I’d have enough strength to swipe my credit card at the check-in kiosk. Solution: I asked the people at the airlines to help, and they were more than happy to assist.
Fear: I didn’t know how I’d get things set up in my hotel room. Solution: Once I was in my room, the bell captain helped me unwrap the soap, set up the room, pull the curtains, unfold the covers, and unpack my luggage.
Fear: I didn’t know how I would get myself dressed flying solo. I still hadn’t been able to get any of my clothes buttoned on my own. Solution: My wife packed all my shirts prebuttoned, so I simply had to slip them on over my head. My pants had Velcro, so I could fasten them myself. My socks had loops that I could grab and pull. BUT . . . there were still two buttons on my shirt that needed to be buttoned. Again, I asked for help. The first time I asked a hostess to do it, she was taken aback. But now it’s amazing – if I am at a hotel for several days, the hostess will watch for me and step right up to help.
He realized that for every fear, there was a viable solution, and he could overcome the obstacle. In this way, he overcame his fears and went on to lead a much more fulfilling life, including the travel for his work – facing his fears and moving past them.
The same concept applies to sales. You may be afraid of rejection. You may be afraid of hearing, “no.” You may have already talked yourself into the belief that everyone you approach will say no and you will become destitute.
There are ways to overcome all those fears. I’ve helped people move past the fear and become top salespeople. If they can do it, you can do it. Every person is different and has different thoughts, feelings – and fears. If you want to take the action needed to overcome those fears and be successful, contact me. We can make it happen!
To Your Success!