WTH Is So Important To Go To So Early On Monday Morning

Almost every Monday morning I attend a very special meeting just a few miles from my house. In that meeting I am stretched, I am challenged, I grow. Some days it’s a hassle to get up early in order to be there and alert at 7:00 am and when I’m in town, I make the effort.

Call me crazy, but I actually pay to go there on Monday mornings. I don’t pay much, but I do pay to go and every time without fail, after I attend the meeting, I am in a better, more optimistic, more ready to make that week a great week place. I go to Brownsburg Toastmasters on Monday mornings.

Take this past Monday for example. I learned about two brothers, hoarders, recluses who were buried alive in their own hoarded garbage in the confines of their own home. The brothers were the Collyer brothers from Manhattan, New York. My new friend and fellow Brownsburg Toastmasters member, Jeremy Bard, in his 5 to 7 minute talk shared the fascinating story of the Collyer Brothers. You can read some about them for yourself here.

Jeremy told us that the Collyer brothers had actually dug tunnels though their hoarded garbage which was piled from floor to ceiling so they could navigate through their Harlem brownstone at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 128th Street. Then Jeremy said something that hit me like a ton of bricks, he said, “…they were literally buried alive by their own garbage.”

The reason Jeremy’s statement made an impact on me is because I am preparing to share an eight week journey through Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich. Jeremy’s statement, I realized many of us are “buried alive by our own garbage.” That metaphor fits perfectly with the very reason to learn from the classic Think and Grow Rich.

Let me explain by sharing the words of Henry David Thoreau from his work; Life in the Woods, where he said “…if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” You see, it’s that “advances confidently,” piece that hangs most of us up. We’re buried in our own garbage of doubt, negative thinking and drama. Yes, some of us haven’t set our dreams or goals that we may have imagined to be able to walk in the correct direction. We’re walkin alright, but to what? Where?

I rarely encourage, or ask in this weekly message but today, I am straight up asking and even challenging you to participate in the eight week journey through Think and Grow Rich. There will be others on the weekly calls with us sharing their experiences and insights of the reading from the prior week.

Here’s all that you will receive when you become a participant on the TAGR 2017 Journey:

  • An interactive, live 8 week deep-dive into Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich (TAGR)
  • Recording of each of the weekly deep-dive calls
  • 298 page PDF workbook copy of the 1937 edition core text (each line of the workbook is numbered for your easy reference)
  • Private access to the program portal organizing your study of the program
  • 15 teaching videos covering each key step
  • 17 audios discussing the practical application of each step
  • Access to the TAGR private group
  • Life time access to the digital resources
  • A complimentary seat for your spouse or partner in the course
  • Program start date: Saturday Oct. 14th 2017 at 8:30am ET
  • Unprecedented personal and professional growth

Think and Grow Rich has been a best selling book for many years.  But not everyone that buys it gets rich!  The book is literally packed with great information, but it is the application of this information that really makes the difference. Together we’ll explore and discover the secret inside Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich. We’ll be using the 1937 edition that you will download as our guide through the TAGR Journey 2017.

The price to participate in the Think and Grow Rich 2017 Journey is normally $249 for the whole course, everything outlined above. For subscribers to this weekly message, I’m making a special EarlyBird package available until October 1st. Use the code EarlyBird and you’ll get the package outlined above for $197.00 and I’ll send you a copy of Think and Grow Rich in addition to the one you can download that comes with the course. Click here and use the code EarlyBird now!

There all kinds of resources that will be online for you to access during our TAGR 2017 Journey. Here is a copy of the calendar of events and happenings that occur during the TAGR 2017 Journey for your reference.  Don’t worry if you can make a call or two, every call will be recorded and posted. All you have to do is click a link to access it and all the other resources associated with the particular call you miss.

Together, lets make sure neither of us is buried alive in our own garbage of doubt, negative thinking and drama as we study and capture the secrets of Think and Grow Rich. Join me! (remember the code EarlyBird)

Still not sure? Join me on a complimentary Q and A call


