by Jack Klemeyer | Dec 31, 2020 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Planning, Think and Grow Rich
Today marks a significant milestone… 2020 will be over in just a few hours. This year has been one that we’ll look back on in years to come and marvel at how we made it through everything. And, we’ll pause to remember all our friends and family that, sadly didn’t make...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jun 21, 2018 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Planning, Think and Grow Rich
Seven Stepping-Stones To Excellence Pursuit of perfection can be likened to dancing with a pig, you probably know how the story goes, the pig gets really upset and we get very dirty. In other words, an endeavor not to be undertaken. Instead of striving for...
by Jack Klemeyer | May 3, 2018 | Communication, Goal Setting, Learning, Mindset, Persistence, Personal Growth, Think and Grow Rich
Those Dang Behaviors That Keep Us Stuck Self-sabotaging behaviors prevent you from conditioning yourself for success. Just when you get things going, those dang (wanted to use a stronger word) self-sabotaging behaviors show up and keep us stuck… right where we...
by Jack Klemeyer | Apr 19, 2018 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Learning, Mindset, Personal Growth, Think and Grow Rich
What About The Thief in Your Mind… Hey, Are you talking to yourself? Again? Self-talk is that inner chatter that accompanies us in most of our waking moments. Much of the time we don’t even notice it’s going on. Your self-talk, internal dialog, can be a powerful aid...
by Jack Klemeyer | Jan 11, 2018 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Learning, Persistence, Personal Growth, Planning, Think and Grow Rich
How to Make Your Goals Stick The amazing thing about the future is that if you wait, it will always come to you. No doubt you sat down and created your share of New Year’s resolutions to conquer this year. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most...
by Jack Klemeyer | Dec 20, 2017 | Goal Setting, Growth Strategy, Mindset, Persistence, Personal Growth, Planning, Think and Grow Rich
People Who Encourage You to be Persistent Are Wrong You want to know what qualities are required for success? You might even spend a lot of time reading motivational books and articles in search for the illusive secret of what’s required for real success. When we read...